increased security using a beautiful new fence
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increased security using a beautiful new fence

I own a landscape supply company and have done fairly well over the years. Until recently, security was never an issue, but then, I had two thefts occur. Someone had stolen mulch and gravel from my supplies. I knew that it was time for me to get serious about increasing security to prevent it from happening a third time. I talked with a fencing contractor about what type of fencing would help improve security without taking away from the pleasant appearance of the grounds. My blog will tell you how we accomplished the increased security using a beautiful new fence.

increased security using a beautiful new fence

  • 3 Signs You Should Install Automatic Sprinklers On Your Property

    25 April 2017

    If you are like many homeowners, you might just water your plants with your water hose, or you might set up your own sprinklers and turn them on to run. Even though these are both acceptable methods of watering your grass and your plants, you might find that installing an automatic sprinkler system is an even better choice. These are a few signs that this might be the right choice for you to make.

  • Fence Advice: If You're On The Fence About Which Fence To Go With

    28 February 2017

    If you are in the market for a new fence then you want to choose one that works well with your yard and with your lifestyle. This way, you know you are going to be happy with the final product once it's installed. You will also know this will be a fence you will look forward to keeping up for many years and not end up wishing you had gone another way.

  • 5 Tips For Preparing Your Yard For The Arrival Of Hired Fencing Contractors

    3 May 2016

    Updating your backyard with new fencing can be a great way to add privacy, give your yard some personality, and help increase the value if you ever intend on selling. If you have made the decision to hire professionals for the installation of your fencing, you will likely want to start prepping for their arrival so that the project goes smoothly. Share Your Plans with Your Next-Door Neighbors The first thing you will need to do when planning on getting a fence installed around the perimeter of your yard is discuss your plans with the neighbors next door.

  • How To Choose A Material For Your Outdoor Stair Railing

    6 January 2016

    If you have stairs that lead into your house from the outside or stairs that lead up to your porch, chances are good that you are going to want to keep the railing that is next to them in good shape, especially during the icy winter. If you do not do this, you risk having people slip on the stairs and not be able to catch themselves. If your railing has started to degrade, you are going to need to make sure that you replace it right away.

  • How To Refinish A Wooden Fence

    2 July 2015

    Over time, the finish on a wooden fence can fade and discolor due to weather exposure and dirt build up. When this happens, you can simply refinish the fence to make it look good as new without having to actually replace the fence. Thankfully, refinishing a fence is a fairly simple process that can be done in just a few hours with the right tools and know-how. Before You Begin